Front-end Web Development

Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the dynamic world of web development? Our comprehensive Front-End Web Development course is your gateway to mastering the essential skills of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, ReactJS, and it's designed to set you on a path to success.

Master the art of creating stunning, user-friendly web interfaces.

Course Description

This comprehensive Front-End Web Development course is designed to equip students with essential skills in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, ReactJS. Students will learn the foundations of creating interactive and responsive web interfaces. Throughout the course, they will engage in hands-on projects and assignments to reinforce their learning.

Upon completion of this course, students will have a solid foundation in front-end web development. They will be capable of creating responsive, interactive, and visually appealing web interfaces using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, ReactJS. Additionally, students will have hands-on experience with real-world projects, preparing them for entry-level front-end development roles in the job market.

  • Learn From Industry Experts Learning from the best in the industry ensures you receive cutting-edge knowledge, real-world insights, and industry best practices, giving you a competitive advantage in your career.
  • Get Tech Certified Upon successful completion of our course, you'll receive a certification endorsed by renowned industry professionals.
  • Open Doors to Dream Opportunities Learning from the best and getting certified not only boosts your confidence but also positions you for exciting job prospects and freelancing gigs, helping you turn your front-end development dreams into reality.
Welcome aboard!
Basic concepts, Understanding the Web and Frontend Development, Setting Up a Development Environment, Your Very First Webpage!
What is Browser, Setting up your IDE, Starting with basic HTML Structure, Introduction to HTML Tags and Elements
Mini Project
Detailed HTML Elements: Lists, Links, and Images, HTML Forms and Input Elements, and much more
HTML Semantic Elements, Structuring Content with HTML5.
Introduction to Version Control (Git)
Mini Project
Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), Selectors and Styles
Styling Text and Fonts, Box Model and Layout
Mini Project
Flexbox Layout, CSS Grid Layout
Responsive Web Design with Media Queries, CSS Transitions and Animations
Mini Project
Getting Started with JavaScript, Variables and Data Types
Conditional Statements, Loops and Iteration
Mini Project
Working with Objects, Working with Arrays, Understanding JSON
Mini Project
Functions and Scope, Event Handling in JavaScript
DOM Manipulation, Form Validation with JavaScript
Mini Project
Introduction to Asynchronous Programming, Promises, Async/Await
Fetch API, Consuming APIs, Local Storage and Cookies
Mini Project
Debugging and Error Handling
Performance Optimization, Cross-Browser Compatibility
Introduction to ReactJS
Mini Project
Planning Your Final Project, Developing the Project
Testing and Debugging, Presenting Your Final Project, Course Recap and Next Steps
Final Project
Candidate Assessment
Resume Enhancement
Mock Interviews
Job Matching
Interview Scheduling
Feedback and Improvement
Guaranteed Placements